A Planned Deception - Staging of a New Age Messiah (le Messie)
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A Planned Deception - The Staging of a New Age Messiah
[ Mis en scene d'un faux messie; project politique...en Europe - EU - UE - Europa ]
According to several bestsellers, the contents of the Bible are - supposedly - either a mixture of nonsense in which case it should not be believed, or they are the result of editing by people after the Disciples of Jesus died, in which case the Bible should not be believed. Either way, conveniently for some, the Bible should not be believed. Millions still read the New Testament, still pray for help, and still reach out to help where they can.
What is the problem with the contents of the New Testament ? That they might be actually authentic ? That the teachings that they Do proclaim have to do with kindness, love, selflessness and trying to make a difference in the world ? A lot of the confusion about Christianity happens, when Modern authors confuse the past horrors of the Vatican intrusion into the temporal world of politics, with the contents of the New Testament.
But the Christianity of the New Testament and the Christianity of the End of the Age, are they actually the same ? Would the pope prove to be an ecumenical champion, and then set about a merger between the Vatican, Liberal Christianity, Charismatic Christian groups, and the New Age movement ?
Theories are fine, and debates are normal fair, especially inside Christianity. But IF a system of global dominion was being established, what would it look like ?
Would it look like historic Christianity [that is, the non-Vatican kind] ? Would the New Religion be a mixture of Roman Catholic Christianity with the New Age movement ? Historically, does the Vatican have a set pattern of behavior, when it reaches a state of claiming Universal dominion ? Would the Vatican reclaim custody of Holy Sites in Jerusalem, while Europe promises to protect the Peace between all parties in the Middle East ?
Isn't it a bit odd, that both the New Age movement and Vatican Christianity are predicting the return of their messiah ? Both are predicting that this one being will rule over all the planet ? Both are predicting that their messiah will bring about a New Age of Peace and Prosperity ? What if these two competing religious systems [ the Vatican and the New Age] are about to merge into one movement ?
What would the steps be, in order to make this happen ? Why is it that several of the leading visionaries in the New Age Movement, (such as Teilhard de Chardin) happen to be Roman Catholic leaders, or have strong ties to Catholicism, and especially in Europe (Jean Monnet, Maritain, Paul Henri Spaak, etc )? Isn't Europe the place where a revived Roman Empire emerges in the End Times, to establish a global system of commerce and worship, all combined into one ?
Would the new Hybrid religion, bring about a merging also between the Vatican, protestant denominations and others within the [Rockefeller funded] World Council of Churches ? Many common people today have New Age beliefs. But do they know that many of the New Age leadership - even now - is from European Aristocracy, the kind that still has billions of dollars, does not like democracy, and has an established history of allegiance to the un-elected right of Kings, to claim dominion over others ?
Putting some of the pieces together, Constance Cumbey follows up her initial bestseller [Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow] with an explanation of the details and steps, that are being taken, in order for some of the international groups to establish and stage the appearance of the New Age messiah.
Wegen der Reformation, ein Problem stellt sich in einem westlichen Zivilisation. Das Problem war, dass zu viele Menschen Antworten zu finden waren. Zu viele Menschen Gott zu finden waren. Zu viele Menschen waren bei der Ankunft am Schluss, dass Gott es gab, Gott existiert und dass er will einbezogen werden mit jedem einzelnen.
Das war ein Problem fur einige leader. Das Problem war, dass die Menschen zu finden waren zu viel Ermutigung. Die Menschen waren nicht in der Lage zu entmutigen. Die Menschen waren nicht die Abbiegung nach ihren Fuhrern, um eine Antwort zu finden. Die Menschen waren sich stattdessen auf den Seiten und der Inhalt des Neuen Testaments.
Eine Bewegung wurde entwickelt, um diesen Prozess stoppen. Eine Bewegung wurde geschaffen, um gegen die Feststellung der spirituellen Losungen. Diese Bewegung pretented, es sei versucht eine Antwort zu finden. Aber das war nicht korrekt. Diese Bewegung wurde von den Menschen erfunden, waren gegen die Idee Gottes.
In der akademischen Bedingungen, diese Bewegung [der war geboren in Frankreich und Deutschland] hiess Textual Criticism.
Es ware genauer zu nennen es die Bewegung fur Angriffe, die Bibel und das Christentum. Aber es wurde von vielen Professoren und diejenigen, Instruktoren wurden in der Hochschule. Einige dieser hatte gute Absichten. Andere verwirrt sich nicht gegen die Fuhrer der romisch-katholischen Kirche mussten auch die Opposition zum Christentum.
Professoren begann, zu versuchen zu untergraben und zerstoren alles, was das Christentum und im Zusammenhang mit Christentum. Sie leugnen das, aber das ist, was sie unter. Diese Bewegung war absichtliche war es leiten, war es richten. In vielerlei Hinsicht war es koordiniert., Und das Ergebnis heute ist, dass die meisten Menschen wissen fast nichts Aber das Christentum True. Die meisten der Informationen wurden zerstort, und es ist jetzt viel schwieriger, sich uber die historischen Ereignisse der Vergangenheit.
Die Bucher (geschrieben von diesen Textual Kritiker) auch noch vorhanden, aber die meisten Leute nicht lesen keunnen, und sie verstehen nicht, warum sollten sie Pflege.
Das Problem ist, dass in fast allen Fallen ist die Bewegung bekannt als Textkritik wurde falsch. Fast alle seine Beschwerden haben erwiesen, dass nicht gultig.
Seine Aussagen stritten die Geschichte und die Genauigkeit der Bibel, haben auch bewiesen, als falsch.
Das Christentum hat die Antworten, dass die Menschen versuchen zu finden. Das Christentum und die ganze Bibel zutreffend sind, historisch und wissenschaftlich.
Aber es stimmt, dass ein Grossteil dieser Informationen ist immer noch zensiert. Die meisten Professoren sind nach wie vor nicht gestattet, diese Themen diskutieren. Wenn die Professoren wollen Mock oder sprechen schlecht uber das Christentum, das ist zulassig. Aber wenn ein Professor will das Christentum zu verteidigen oder zu erklaren, wie sie Menschen helfen konnen, das ist oft nicht erlaubt in einem akademischen Situation.
Dies bedeutet, dass die Zensur ist wirklich, was ist der Leitgedanke Antworten rund um das Christentum.
Es ist wichtig fur jeden von uns zu einer personlichen Engagement zu entscheiden, finden Sie die Antwort auf eine Frage fur uns.
As with her other book (Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow - Available),
this book also seems to have been written to give the reader some chance of being able to learn and understand the forces behind the scenes that move the political and spiritual levers of the global community.
This book has been made available by the consent of the author. The book is also available as a free download on the authors' website. This version contains the original text.
[ Mis en scene d'un faux messie; project politique...en Europe - EU - UE - Europa ]
According to several bestsellers, the contents of the Bible are - supposedly - either a mixture of nonsense in which case it should not be believed, or they are the result of editing by people after the Disciples of Jesus died, in which case the Bible should not be believed. Either way, conveniently for some, the Bible should not be believed. Millions still read the New Testament, still pray for help, and still reach out to help where they can.
What is the problem with the contents of the New Testament ? That they might be actually authentic ? That the teachings that they Do proclaim have to do with kindness, love, selflessness and trying to make a difference in the world ? A lot of the confusion about Christianity happens, when Modern authors confuse the past horrors of the Vatican intrusion into the temporal world of politics, with the contents of the New Testament.
But the Christianity of the New Testament and the Christianity of the End of the Age, are they actually the same ? Would the pope prove to be an ecumenical champion, and then set about a merger between the Vatican, Liberal Christianity, Charismatic Christian groups, and the New Age movement ?
Theories are fine, and debates are normal fair, especially inside Christianity. But IF a system of global dominion was being established, what would it look like ?
Would it look like historic Christianity [that is, the non-Vatican kind] ? Would the New Religion be a mixture of Roman Catholic Christianity with the New Age movement ? Historically, does the Vatican have a set pattern of behavior, when it reaches a state of claiming Universal dominion ? Would the Vatican reclaim custody of Holy Sites in Jerusalem, while Europe promises to protect the Peace between all parties in the Middle East ?
Isn't it a bit odd, that both the New Age movement and Vatican Christianity are predicting the return of their messiah ? Both are predicting that this one being will rule over all the planet ? Both are predicting that their messiah will bring about a New Age of Peace and Prosperity ? What if these two competing religious systems [ the Vatican and the New Age] are about to merge into one movement ?
What would the steps be, in order to make this happen ? Why is it that several of the leading visionaries in the New Age Movement, (such as Teilhard de Chardin) happen to be Roman Catholic leaders, or have strong ties to Catholicism, and especially in Europe (Jean Monnet, Maritain, Paul Henri Spaak, etc )? Isn't Europe the place where a revived Roman Empire emerges in the End Times, to establish a global system of commerce and worship, all combined into one ?
Would the new Hybrid religion, bring about a merging also between the Vatican, protestant denominations and others within the [Rockefeller funded] World Council of Churches ? Many common people today have New Age beliefs. But do they know that many of the New Age leadership - even now - is from European Aristocracy, the kind that still has billions of dollars, does not like democracy, and has an established history of allegiance to the un-elected right of Kings, to claim dominion over others ?
Putting some of the pieces together, Constance Cumbey follows up her initial bestseller [Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow] with an explanation of the details and steps, that are being taken, in order for some of the international groups to establish and stage the appearance of the New Age messiah.
Wegen der Reformation, ein Problem stellt sich in einem westlichen Zivilisation. Das Problem war, dass zu viele Menschen Antworten zu finden waren. Zu viele Menschen Gott zu finden waren. Zu viele Menschen waren bei der Ankunft am Schluss, dass Gott es gab, Gott existiert und dass er will einbezogen werden mit jedem einzelnen.
Das war ein Problem fur einige leader. Das Problem war, dass die Menschen zu finden waren zu viel Ermutigung. Die Menschen waren nicht in der Lage zu entmutigen. Die Menschen waren nicht die Abbiegung nach ihren Fuhrern, um eine Antwort zu finden. Die Menschen waren sich stattdessen auf den Seiten und der Inhalt des Neuen Testaments.
Eine Bewegung wurde entwickelt, um diesen Prozess stoppen. Eine Bewegung wurde geschaffen, um gegen die Feststellung der spirituellen Losungen. Diese Bewegung pretented, es sei versucht eine Antwort zu finden. Aber das war nicht korrekt. Diese Bewegung wurde von den Menschen erfunden, waren gegen die Idee Gottes.
In der akademischen Bedingungen, diese Bewegung [der war geboren in Frankreich und Deutschland] hiess Textual Criticism.
Es ware genauer zu nennen es die Bewegung fur Angriffe, die Bibel und das Christentum. Aber es wurde von vielen Professoren und diejenigen, Instruktoren wurden in der Hochschule. Einige dieser hatte gute Absichten. Andere verwirrt sich nicht gegen die Fuhrer der romisch-katholischen Kirche mussten auch die Opposition zum Christentum.
Professoren begann, zu versuchen zu untergraben und zerstoren alles, was das Christentum und im Zusammenhang mit Christentum. Sie leugnen das, aber das ist, was sie unter. Diese Bewegung war absichtliche war es leiten, war es richten. In vielerlei Hinsicht war es koordiniert., Und das Ergebnis heute ist, dass die meisten Menschen wissen fast nichts Aber das Christentum True. Die meisten der Informationen wurden zerstort, und es ist jetzt viel schwieriger, sich uber die historischen Ereignisse der Vergangenheit.
Die Bucher (geschrieben von diesen Textual Kritiker) auch noch vorhanden, aber die meisten Leute nicht lesen keunnen, und sie verstehen nicht, warum sollten sie Pflege.
Das Problem ist, dass in fast allen Fallen ist die Bewegung bekannt als Textkritik wurde falsch. Fast alle seine Beschwerden haben erwiesen, dass nicht gultig.
Seine Aussagen stritten die Geschichte und die Genauigkeit der Bibel, haben auch bewiesen, als falsch.
Das Christentum hat die Antworten, dass die Menschen versuchen zu finden. Das Christentum und die ganze Bibel zutreffend sind, historisch und wissenschaftlich.
Aber es stimmt, dass ein Grossteil dieser Informationen ist immer noch zensiert. Die meisten Professoren sind nach wie vor nicht gestattet, diese Themen diskutieren. Wenn die Professoren wollen Mock oder sprechen schlecht uber das Christentum, das ist zulassig. Aber wenn ein Professor will das Christentum zu verteidigen oder zu erklaren, wie sie Menschen helfen konnen, das ist oft nicht erlaubt in einem akademischen Situation.
Dies bedeutet, dass die Zensur ist wirklich, was ist der Leitgedanke Antworten rund um das Christentum.
Es ist wichtig fur jeden von uns zu einer personlichen Engagement zu entscheiden, finden Sie die Antwort auf eine Frage fur uns.
As with her other book (Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow - Available),
this book also seems to have been written to give the reader some chance of being able to learn and understand the forces behind the scenes that move the political and spiritual levers of the global community.
This book has been made available by the consent of the author. The book is also available as a free download on the authors' website. This version contains the original text.
- Addeddate
- 2011-04-29 16:50:34
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- Identifier
- APlannedDeception-StagingOfANewAgeMessiahleMessie
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- ABBYY FineReader 8.0
- Ppi
- 300
Vatican Back up Team
favoritefavoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
August 2, 2024
Subject: The Israeli Mossad has penetrated deeply into both Dutch politics and the Dutch security services, including the University of Groningen (The Netherlands):
Subject: The Israeli Mossad has penetrated deeply into both Dutch politics and the Dutch security services, including the University of Groningen (The Netherlands):
The Israeli Mossad has penetrated deeply into both Dutch politics and the Dutch security services, including the University of Groningen (The Netherlands):
Int his extension see also the pdf file of this subject above:
And see also!!!!!
The Jewish plot to destroy Christianity by deliberately sending undercover Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians, but are actually Jews, to sexually abuse the children of Christians in the churches as much as possible, with the aim of destroying all of Christianity destroy.:
Int his extension see also the pdf file of this subject above:
And see also!!!!!
The Jewish plot to destroy Christianity by deliberately sending undercover Jewish pedophiles who pretend to be Christians, but are actually Jews, to sexually abuse the children of Christians in the churches as much as possible, with the aim of destroying all of Christianity destroy.:
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
March 29, 2014
Subject: The Next Step...for those who value their soul...their own...individual...personal...one of a kind...soul....YOURS
Subject: The Next Step...for those who value their soul...their own...individual...personal...one of a kind...soul....YOURS
How to be saved, have eternal life, and find God
[[ experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, spend Eternity with God,
and all others who have made the choice to be forgiven and reconciled to Him]];
Every Breath you breathe is a gift from God. No one knows how much time they have.
No one who delays and then dies, thought that their time to live here would be up.
Suddenly its too late.
Make the choice, while you can.
[[ experience UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, spend Eternity with God,
and all others who have made the choice to be forgiven and reconciled to Him]];
Every Breath you breathe is a gift from God. No one knows how much time they have.
No one who delays and then dies, thought that their time to live here would be up.
Suddenly its too late.
Make the choice, while you can.
favoritefavoritefavoritefavorite -
January 6, 2013
Subject: Good author, for those seeking truth, leads, facts, thinking, authentic search for God, etc
Subject: Good author, for those seeking truth, leads, facts, thinking, authentic search for God, etc
Lets face it, this book and her other book Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow.are both worth reading. And there are many pieces of the puzzle that are profitable to know and remember.
It is time for those who say that they are Christ-followers to stop being so ignorant of both the Word of God, and of the world around them. If this is you, you already know it. If does not apply, then so much the better. If it does, you know who you are ! Everyone else is willing to make the effort to educate themselves. Is there some reason WHY Christians should not ALSO make the same effort, to attempt to NOT be lazy, and to start actually THINKING ?
Whether the Rapture happens or not, on your timetable, at the time that you think it will, there are likely to be catastrophically great consequences to you and YOUR life, and your loved ones, in the WEST, and those changes will FAR OUT-PACE and OUTRUN your ability to deal with them, in the context of your natural self. The issue then is NOT what is going to happen AFTER the rapture, but rather what events you will face, and what R E A L I T Y that YOU will be dealing with BEFORE the events that ALSO take place AFTER the rapture. We need to have a heavenly hope, but we also need to share with others HOW they may have a HOPE of HEAVEN, while we are still down here.
Any concept that says that we can ignore our fellow man and NOT care about them, their wellbeing, and THEIR SPIRITUAL STATE is totally ungodly, and contradicts the doctrines and teachings of Jesus and the New Testament.
BEFORE the RAPTURE, You are likely to see great difficulty and great personal distress, on the soil of YOUR continent, in the Western half of the World (the other half is already experiencing this). Most so-called believers in America are totally unprepared for this. They are smug, happy, self-content, often self-conceited, ill-prepared, and have almost no training to deal with challenging times, and especially almost no spiritual discernment or understanding. Lets be clear, if THIS state of being describes you, it is ONLY entirely your fault, and the full weight of this, to change this about you, is UP TO YOU.
The good news, is that if you make that choice, the choice to change, to learn, to grow, to read your New Testament, and to maybe even find out if there is an Accurate version of the Word of God, that might help you more, and bring MORE spiritual encouragement to you, YOU could actually wake up spiritually. You could actually COME OUT of your coma. You could actually HELP God and others, and FIND OUT what are the works that GOD prepared for YOU to do, from before the Foundation of the World.
But you have to want this, you have to want this to the point of action. You have to set time aside in your life to do this. You have to change your priorities. You have to decide just HOW Serious YOU are willing to be and become, about serving God. Talk is cheap. Setting time aside, learning for yourself, reading spiritual books that can Encourate you and actually help you to grow, THOSE choices are up to you. IF you wait for your Church or your group to motivate you, and change HOW you FEEL emotiontally, you will never change, never learn, never grow, and therefore never serve God. Be the change you want to see in others. Ask God to help you, but don't let that stop you from taking the steps that you know to take. There are many books and links and ideas, and ways that you CAN learn. What you do with that information, THAT is up to you.
Sometimes, at least until we confirm it, it may seem that the challenge is that this author asks us to believe things that seem a bit far out. For example, for her scenarios in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow to be true, she would have to show that H G Wells KNEW what he was doing, and that he cooperated with some of the other planners . [ think lionel curtis / RIIA, or L van der Post, or Queen Beatrix, co-owner of Royal Dutch Shell, BP, etc] of the destructive .New World system, and that significant changes to the system of nations, globally had occured, by design and sponsorship. (did you prefer the style of Stalin . or the style . of the Reich . – your choice or both). New systems incorporate both elements. ( As Cumbey demonstrates, Ferguson's work on the Aquarians is based on HG Wells and his work as a systematic thinker and political planner, even though his popular image is cast as an author-entertainer ). The science [ re K Marx ] .of propaganda . should be perhaps understood .
Then there would have to be evidence that the planners .actually were demonstrating an [ intention] . to change the destinies of nations, in order to bring about plans that alter [ Princess Nakamaru - Illuminati ] . global political systems . . Then, there would also have to be evidence of other Luciferian . cooperators . [ Into denial ? click here ] .. Some agency has to be there in order to bring about . a new Economic order, whether in the USA - Jekyll . or globally (MP4) . , such as the Monetary Union – ( MP3) .. The implementer of the 666 system must have the religious and historic jurisdiction ( Hidden jurisdiction ) . to do this, which is and will be the case. It will be a suprise to most.
All is on track to do this. These systems that oppress are not competing with each other. They are cooperating with each other, all across the face of the planet. There are the standard objections, about the demonstrations [ capability ] . about some of the New World leaders . knowing what they are doing (creating a New Dark Ages, without your access to control over your life ) ., and then implementing the seductive ., the intellectual - educational ., the military Whistleblower – 8 parts . and the various parts of the spiritual deception . which are washing over the planet.
We all can see how their past plans ( that little black book ) . turned out 4 those who love Freedom . and how they are constantly trying . to take steps . so that they can keep making progress . toward their global system.
We know that they have been making the attempts – for your security ., naturally - to take steps that many still will not understand such as their Plan to seize planet Earth .. Some of the occult plans have been disclosed ( A Bailey ) ., though there are aspects .of other middle eastern . religions . that need further . study .
Questions about about which versions of ancient scriptures . to obtain, remain for many people ., though it can be understood that Westcott and Co. were part of a much larger movement ., which result in the reconnections between the Old Systems . , and the Babylonian styles and intentions . of neopagan worship happening now. Of course, some people would be shocked by [ which systems ] . are directing specific V 1 . Plans V 2 . (oops - who is one of the surprise rulers of the world ? ). Who knew ?? Anyone who thinks that Roman Catholicism is no different from other denominations has obviously not studied either their doctrines nor Vatican doctrines. Those doctrines are often not found in the Holy Bible, but are found in the religious systems of Ancient Babylon. Look it up for yourself.
Babylonians systems have been studied for a long time (Re Semiramis ) .. There is a good deal of evidence, though dark . about them. The systematic . study of the Old Testament discloses much about its own accuracy and knowledge of ancient systems. Archeology proves the accuracy[ see Rawlinson encouraging discoveries ] .of the Old Testament (and its prophecies) over and over.
Thoroughness also shows the importance of distrusting certain false claims found in talmudic Hebrew oral sources . which are often misleading many in the Hebrew Roots movement (many parts of which should be re-labbled simply as today's Hebrew Occult movement ). (read what God said about that in Deut. 13 and 18). The actual text (and how its creation came about) . of the New Testament ( reliable Edinburgh edition ) ., and its dealings with the prophecies . of the Old Testament . actually does stand the test of history . [ 4 history of old - and accurate - King James version translators, see here] ..
Part of the study of ancient paganism involves taking another look at the material that has been under our noses [ VOL 1 ] . [ VOL 2 ] . [ VOL 3 ] , as GSF documented. Pagan infiltration . is nothing new.
As demonstrated in his bestsellers, Sitchin wrote some interesting theories, though he was working for the Pope .. Sitchin has now passed on to his "reward" and no ananaki will rescue him from his new place of eternal despair, which Sitchin worked assiduously to chose for himself. Knowledge of summerian will not change the state of your soul, nor our eternal options. Remember the only ones who are eternally separated from God, are those who make that choice. The default position is separation from God, unless you make a different choice. That is up to you. The information can be found for those who seek truth, ask God, and actually seek Him and try to find Him. God knows those who are sincere, and He can read our thoughts and tell if we are for real or not.
Annanaki / ananuki is a reworking of the actual beings known as the Sons of Anak, the false claimants as the sonS of God (please note the plural) [see the work of Pember, IDE Thomas and Tom Horn, available online] – not to be confused with the One-and-Only Pre-existent Begotten true and actual Son-of-God Jesus Christ . Chose what you believe, but there are consequences to each choice, and not chosing is a choice also. Might at well seek truth, actual objective outside-of-yourself Truth. [ Note: Christ-followers are occasionally called Sons of God, but remember the New Testament explains: true Christians (as God decides and evaluates their heart ) are ADOPTED sons of God. That is NOT to be confused with being of the same ESSENCE as God, himself, which Jesus Christ is, and his followers are Not ] . There is a difference between creation and Creator, as God established His own order and plan, which continues to move forward, and demonstrate His power, His glory, and the completion of HIS plan.
But to address Sitchin's material, he knew it had older, and much darker roots [ Evil spirits of babylon - VOL1 ] . [ VOL 2 ] . Oh, and if you want to be possessed and inhabited by Demonic forces, which will be harmful to you and those you love, just keep studying the demonic material. Each study you do, each occult book (where authored by occultists) you read is your allowance – your personal consent and invitation - to evil spirits to personally inhabit you, and they do. (Why do you think there are so many movies... that keep talking about these same subjects ??? because there are so many Evil spirits that are actually possessing people and getting them to do harm to others, in addition to trying to capture that spirit and soul and take it to Hell ). [ Propaganda causes people to experience those movies as entertainment, but as far as the harm done, they are closer to documentaries – although in real life, rituals of deliverance or supposed Holy water have no effect, because that is not what works ] . Each act of possession of a human is an act of conquest, of possession of inhabited territory by the kingdom of darkness. (see the works of Kurt Koch, James G Friesen and Mark Bubeck if you need the serious means of actual deliverance, if its not too late. There are many people who claim to be Christians but still find they are seriously oppressed by demons. That is a natural side-effect if you do not TEST the spirits [ read Epistle of I John], and if you allow false spirits, false doctrines, and seducing spirits to lead your church during times of worship. Safeguards are put into the Bible, but few Christians today follow them or know about them, and even fewer so-called Christians even read their Bibles. Most have no clue what their New Testament says. They have never read it. It is worth considering whether these are truly truly followers of Christ, or simply people seeking a good time, comfort, and social interaction, minus any knowledge or dedication to truth. Ever wonder how many people in church, SAY that they are Christian, but still never are, and never have been ??? ). Obviously, those questions do not bother those who are true Christ-followers. So for those who find the question distrubing, what should that tell you ? Start with the [ basics of what it means to actually become a Christian ] .
It does not matter whether you want the truth in English ., in persian (iran) ., in Arabic ., Turkish ., Chinese - 1 ., Chinese - 2 ., modern Greek ., Hungarian .,spanish- Espanol . Pakistani – India - Urdu . or any other language of choice.
The truth – such as the Gospel of John . can be understood, for those who truly seek God, as He . evaluates the honesty . of our inner search .for Him ..
Lets not sell either book short. Hidden Dangers .does a good job of showing the work and coordination of the Global Elites, a wicked and corrupted aristocracy, as well as all the work in progress by so many who are willing to be spiritually deceived. It stands as accurate as ever, and should be a warning to so-called ministries which were quick to dismiss the warnings, usually because they had levels of participation and cooperation in the New Age movement that they did not want to admit or disclose to the public. This is still going on today, even in certain large streams and rivers of the Charismatic movement (among others). Given the state of technology, plans are accelerating rather than slowing down. Those who have NOT thought about these things, those who have NOT studied (yet), those who have NOT taken the time to invest in themselves, THOSE are the ones most at risk with their own eternal destiny in the balance. And there are active plans to get you to again postpone thinking about these things, lest the truth should be revealed to you, especially if you ask God to help you seek and find . truth and to know Him. Eternity is a L O N G time and we each should face the courage to give ourselves permission to think about the topic. This book is a good blueprint about the planners and the events behind the scenes for what is about to take place on [ Earth ] .
It is time for those who say that they are Christ-followers to stop being so ignorant of both the Word of God, and of the world around them. If this is you, you already know it. If does not apply, then so much the better. If it does, you know who you are ! Everyone else is willing to make the effort to educate themselves. Is there some reason WHY Christians should not ALSO make the same effort, to attempt to NOT be lazy, and to start actually THINKING ?
Whether the Rapture happens or not, on your timetable, at the time that you think it will, there are likely to be catastrophically great consequences to you and YOUR life, and your loved ones, in the WEST, and those changes will FAR OUT-PACE and OUTRUN your ability to deal with them, in the context of your natural self. The issue then is NOT what is going to happen AFTER the rapture, but rather what events you will face, and what R E A L I T Y that YOU will be dealing with BEFORE the events that ALSO take place AFTER the rapture. We need to have a heavenly hope, but we also need to share with others HOW they may have a HOPE of HEAVEN, while we are still down here.
Any concept that says that we can ignore our fellow man and NOT care about them, their wellbeing, and THEIR SPIRITUAL STATE is totally ungodly, and contradicts the doctrines and teachings of Jesus and the New Testament.
BEFORE the RAPTURE, You are likely to see great difficulty and great personal distress, on the soil of YOUR continent, in the Western half of the World (the other half is already experiencing this). Most so-called believers in America are totally unprepared for this. They are smug, happy, self-content, often self-conceited, ill-prepared, and have almost no training to deal with challenging times, and especially almost no spiritual discernment or understanding. Lets be clear, if THIS state of being describes you, it is ONLY entirely your fault, and the full weight of this, to change this about you, is UP TO YOU.
The good news, is that if you make that choice, the choice to change, to learn, to grow, to read your New Testament, and to maybe even find out if there is an Accurate version of the Word of God, that might help you more, and bring MORE spiritual encouragement to you, YOU could actually wake up spiritually. You could actually COME OUT of your coma. You could actually HELP God and others, and FIND OUT what are the works that GOD prepared for YOU to do, from before the Foundation of the World.
But you have to want this, you have to want this to the point of action. You have to set time aside in your life to do this. You have to change your priorities. You have to decide just HOW Serious YOU are willing to be and become, about serving God. Talk is cheap. Setting time aside, learning for yourself, reading spiritual books that can Encourate you and actually help you to grow, THOSE choices are up to you. IF you wait for your Church or your group to motivate you, and change HOW you FEEL emotiontally, you will never change, never learn, never grow, and therefore never serve God. Be the change you want to see in others. Ask God to help you, but don't let that stop you from taking the steps that you know to take. There are many books and links and ideas, and ways that you CAN learn. What you do with that information, THAT is up to you.
Sometimes, at least until we confirm it, it may seem that the challenge is that this author asks us to believe things that seem a bit far out. For example, for her scenarios in Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow to be true, she would have to show that H G Wells KNEW what he was doing, and that he cooperated with some of the other planners . [ think lionel curtis / RIIA, or L van der Post, or Queen Beatrix, co-owner of Royal Dutch Shell, BP, etc] of the destructive .New World system, and that significant changes to the system of nations, globally had occured, by design and sponsorship. (did you prefer the style of Stalin . or the style . of the Reich . – your choice or both). New systems incorporate both elements. ( As Cumbey demonstrates, Ferguson's work on the Aquarians is based on HG Wells and his work as a systematic thinker and political planner, even though his popular image is cast as an author-entertainer ). The science [ re K Marx ] .of propaganda . should be perhaps understood .
Then there would have to be evidence that the planners .actually were demonstrating an [ intention] . to change the destinies of nations, in order to bring about plans that alter [ Princess Nakamaru - Illuminati ] . global political systems . . Then, there would also have to be evidence of other Luciferian . cooperators . [ Into denial ? click here ] .. Some agency has to be there in order to bring about . a new Economic order, whether in the USA - Jekyll . or globally (MP4) . , such as the Monetary Union – ( MP3) .. The implementer of the 666 system must have the religious and historic jurisdiction ( Hidden jurisdiction ) . to do this, which is and will be the case. It will be a suprise to most.
All is on track to do this. These systems that oppress are not competing with each other. They are cooperating with each other, all across the face of the planet. There are the standard objections, about the demonstrations [ capability ] . about some of the New World leaders . knowing what they are doing (creating a New Dark Ages, without your access to control over your life ) ., and then implementing the seductive ., the intellectual - educational ., the military Whistleblower – 8 parts . and the various parts of the spiritual deception . which are washing over the planet.
We all can see how their past plans ( that little black book ) . turned out 4 those who love Freedom . and how they are constantly trying . to take steps . so that they can keep making progress . toward their global system.
We know that they have been making the attempts – for your security ., naturally - to take steps that many still will not understand such as their Plan to seize planet Earth .. Some of the occult plans have been disclosed ( A Bailey ) ., though there are aspects .of other middle eastern . religions . that need further . study .
Questions about about which versions of ancient scriptures . to obtain, remain for many people ., though it can be understood that Westcott and Co. were part of a much larger movement ., which result in the reconnections between the Old Systems . , and the Babylonian styles and intentions . of neopagan worship happening now. Of course, some people would be shocked by [ which systems ] . are directing specific V 1 . Plans V 2 . (oops - who is one of the surprise rulers of the world ? ). Who knew ?? Anyone who thinks that Roman Catholicism is no different from other denominations has obviously not studied either their doctrines nor Vatican doctrines. Those doctrines are often not found in the Holy Bible, but are found in the religious systems of Ancient Babylon. Look it up for yourself.
Babylonians systems have been studied for a long time (Re Semiramis ) .. There is a good deal of evidence, though dark . about them. The systematic . study of the Old Testament discloses much about its own accuracy and knowledge of ancient systems. Archeology proves the accuracy[ see Rawlinson encouraging discoveries ] .of the Old Testament (and its prophecies) over and over.
Thoroughness also shows the importance of distrusting certain false claims found in talmudic Hebrew oral sources . which are often misleading many in the Hebrew Roots movement (many parts of which should be re-labbled simply as today's Hebrew Occult movement ). (read what God said about that in Deut. 13 and 18). The actual text (and how its creation came about) . of the New Testament ( reliable Edinburgh edition ) ., and its dealings with the prophecies . of the Old Testament . actually does stand the test of history . [ 4 history of old - and accurate - King James version translators, see here] ..
Part of the study of ancient paganism involves taking another look at the material that has been under our noses [ VOL 1 ] . [ VOL 2 ] . [ VOL 3 ] , as GSF documented. Pagan infiltration . is nothing new.
As demonstrated in his bestsellers, Sitchin wrote some interesting theories, though he was working for the Pope .. Sitchin has now passed on to his "reward" and no ananaki will rescue him from his new place of eternal despair, which Sitchin worked assiduously to chose for himself. Knowledge of summerian will not change the state of your soul, nor our eternal options. Remember the only ones who are eternally separated from God, are those who make that choice. The default position is separation from God, unless you make a different choice. That is up to you. The information can be found for those who seek truth, ask God, and actually seek Him and try to find Him. God knows those who are sincere, and He can read our thoughts and tell if we are for real or not.
Annanaki / ananuki is a reworking of the actual beings known as the Sons of Anak, the false claimants as the sonS of God (please note the plural) [see the work of Pember, IDE Thomas and Tom Horn, available online] – not to be confused with the One-and-Only Pre-existent Begotten true and actual Son-of-God Jesus Christ . Chose what you believe, but there are consequences to each choice, and not chosing is a choice also. Might at well seek truth, actual objective outside-of-yourself Truth. [ Note: Christ-followers are occasionally called Sons of God, but remember the New Testament explains: true Christians (as God decides and evaluates their heart ) are ADOPTED sons of God. That is NOT to be confused with being of the same ESSENCE as God, himself, which Jesus Christ is, and his followers are Not ] . There is a difference between creation and Creator, as God established His own order and plan, which continues to move forward, and demonstrate His power, His glory, and the completion of HIS plan.
But to address Sitchin's material, he knew it had older, and much darker roots [ Evil spirits of babylon - VOL1 ] . [ VOL 2 ] . Oh, and if you want to be possessed and inhabited by Demonic forces, which will be harmful to you and those you love, just keep studying the demonic material. Each study you do, each occult book (where authored by occultists) you read is your allowance – your personal consent and invitation - to evil spirits to personally inhabit you, and they do. (Why do you think there are so many movies... that keep talking about these same subjects ??? because there are so many Evil spirits that are actually possessing people and getting them to do harm to others, in addition to trying to capture that spirit and soul and take it to Hell ). [ Propaganda causes people to experience those movies as entertainment, but as far as the harm done, they are closer to documentaries – although in real life, rituals of deliverance or supposed Holy water have no effect, because that is not what works ] . Each act of possession of a human is an act of conquest, of possession of inhabited territory by the kingdom of darkness. (see the works of Kurt Koch, James G Friesen and Mark Bubeck if you need the serious means of actual deliverance, if its not too late. There are many people who claim to be Christians but still find they are seriously oppressed by demons. That is a natural side-effect if you do not TEST the spirits [ read Epistle of I John], and if you allow false spirits, false doctrines, and seducing spirits to lead your church during times of worship. Safeguards are put into the Bible, but few Christians today follow them or know about them, and even fewer so-called Christians even read their Bibles. Most have no clue what their New Testament says. They have never read it. It is worth considering whether these are truly truly followers of Christ, or simply people seeking a good time, comfort, and social interaction, minus any knowledge or dedication to truth. Ever wonder how many people in church, SAY that they are Christian, but still never are, and never have been ??? ). Obviously, those questions do not bother those who are true Christ-followers. So for those who find the question distrubing, what should that tell you ? Start with the [ basics of what it means to actually become a Christian ] .
It does not matter whether you want the truth in English ., in persian (iran) ., in Arabic ., Turkish ., Chinese - 1 ., Chinese - 2 ., modern Greek ., Hungarian .,spanish- Espanol . Pakistani – India - Urdu . or any other language of choice.
The truth – such as the Gospel of John . can be understood, for those who truly seek God, as He . evaluates the honesty . of our inner search .for Him ..
Lets not sell either book short. Hidden Dangers .does a good job of showing the work and coordination of the Global Elites, a wicked and corrupted aristocracy, as well as all the work in progress by so many who are willing to be spiritually deceived. It stands as accurate as ever, and should be a warning to so-called ministries which were quick to dismiss the warnings, usually because they had levels of participation and cooperation in the New Age movement that they did not want to admit or disclose to the public. This is still going on today, even in certain large streams and rivers of the Charismatic movement (among others). Given the state of technology, plans are accelerating rather than slowing down. Those who have NOT thought about these things, those who have NOT studied (yet), those who have NOT taken the time to invest in themselves, THOSE are the ones most at risk with their own eternal destiny in the balance. And there are active plans to get you to again postpone thinking about these things, lest the truth should be revealed to you, especially if you ask God to help you seek and find . truth and to know Him. Eternity is a L O N G time and we each should face the courage to give ourselves permission to think about the topic. This book is a good blueprint about the planners and the events behind the scenes for what is about to take place on [ Earth ] .
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October 2, 2012
Subject: If you really want to understand; if you really seek truth ,and study
Subject: If you really want to understand; if you really seek truth ,and study
For those who are interested in spiritual depth and personal spiritual growth, a few other books may be of real help to you. [ Free in all formats, including PDF and Kindle]
For the issues of Today’s church, a few works about the Modern dangers of some of the excesses found in many the Charismatic or other groups may inform you about the origins, the roots, the theology and the implications of some of these new streams of spirituality, such as:
[ Anointing - or Apostasy ? The Latter Rain Legacy by Charles Graves].
[ Latter Rain (and other Branham inspired charismatic ) movement by Jewel van der Merwe) ].
[ A Planned Deception, the staging of a New Age Messiah) ].
(or see the Historic perspetive on who is the real Messiah)
[ Who is the Messiah proved from the Ancient Scriptures) ].
[ The Affiliation of New Evangelicals with Apostasy].
[ What is Apostasy by M de Semlyen].
[ A LITTLE HISTORY - [ Truth about ] The Shepherding Movement].
[ Problems with the Sacred Name movement ].
(( Please note that NOT ALL Charismatic or Pentecostal groups or churches are bad or teach errant doctrine. [some change or improve 4 the better].. However it is important to check on the details of where you worship, fellowship and learn, so that you can be sure that you are receiving sound doctrine (Titus 1:9 and not those in Tim 4: 3-4). ))
For the history of Biblical teachings, (also known as Doctrine), some of the works of George Stanley Faber (and others) may be of encouragement.
[ The difficulties of infidelity (1835) – GSF- George Stanley Faber ].
[ peculiarities of the Latin church evinced to be untenable – GSF ].
[ A practical treatise on the ordinary operations of the Holy Spirit (1814) – GSF ].
[ The new life in Christ Jesus ].
For those interested in the deeper background of the Old Testament scripture [ keep in mind that 40% to 60% of the New Testament is the Old Testament requoted]. Everything done in the New Testament is still being done in relation to the Old Testament. ( Note: Those who know almost nothing about the Old Testament section of the Bible would do well to start reading and re-reading both in the book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs).
[ A Treatise On The Origin Of Expiatory Sacrifice (1827) – GSF].
[ The Temple, its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ].
[ The hope of Israel [microform] what is it (MAURO)].
The issue of Bible versions still remains popular and a subject for study:
[ The English Revisers' [Wescott - Hort] Greek Text - Shown to be Unauthorized, Except by false [errant] Egyptian Copies Discarded].
[ The traditional text of the Holy Gospels vindicated and established].
[ The books of the Old and New Testaments proved to be true, accurate and canonical, and their verbal inspiration maintained].
[ The evidence and authority of divine revelation – 01 – Haldane ].
[ The evidence and authority of divine revelation - 02 – Haldane].
[ A Plea for the [Inspiration and] Canon of Scripture ( Bible) by the Bible Society].
[ Secret History of the Oxford Movement [Evangelicals in England induced to defect to Rome] [i.e. Westcott & Hort]].
[ Pope Benedict's Denunciation ].
[ Evangelicals Embark to Papal Rome].
[ The revision revised - Westcott and Hort's new textual theory].
[ Divine inspiration; or, The supernatural influence exerted in the communication of divine truth-HENDERSON].
[ The question discussed, Shall the whole word of God be given to the heathen -HENDERSON].
[ Hidden history of the Greek New Testament].
[ The Authorised Bible and Modern Versions – by M De Semlyen ].
[ History of the Oxford Movement toward Rome – by Daubigne, Merle D'Aubigne].
[ Rome's First Ecumenical Saint (2010)].
[ Pope and Political Activities Worldwide].
[ Pope Benedict XVI at Lourdes].
History of Christianity in Europe and its impact on the World
In English– by Daubigne, Merle D'Aubigne
01;[ Vol 01].; 02; [ Vol 02].; 03; [ Vol 03].04; [ Vol 04].
05; [ Vol 05].; 06; [ Vol 06]. 07; [ Vol 07].08; [ Vol 08].
[ Which Version by Philip Mauro ].
[ The World and its God ].
[ The number of man, the climax of civilization].
[ The Authorised Bible and Modern Versions by M De Semlyen].
[ How the [false] higher criticism [almost] wrecked a Christian-and how he came back ].
[ Luther - Watchwords for the warfare of life ].
[ Luther and Tyndale – The untold Story ].
[ Luther - The ninety-five theses and the 3 primary works].
--- concerning the Apocrypha --- (see also the section under versions, since the issue of versions [ which version of the OT – NT to use] also involves the issue of which books belong in the Bible [called Canonization]. Many books on versions therefore also deal with the issue of which books belong in the Bible, or which ones do not ).
The issues of the printing of the Apocrypha has been somewhat addressed in the following works:
For those interested in the issues concerning the Apocrypha (declared even by Jerome to not be part of scripture), the following books may give you some information and historic information:
[ Vindications (about BFBS) of the Proceedings of the Bible Society Concerning the Apocrypha].
[ Revealed: the conduct of the directors of the British and Foreign Bible Society [ BFBS ] concerning the Apocrypha].
[ A Plea for the [Inspiration and] Canon of Scripture].
[ Statement of the Bible Society concerning the Apocrypha].
Other works about Church History may be interesting:
[ Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Eary Church, Against the Invocation of Saints, Angels, and Mary].
For those interested in Current Events (nwo) , the work of Attorney C Cumbey may be of interest
[ Hidden Dangers [to your body and actual soul] of the New Age movement].
(Note: No, if you ignore the problem, it still will not go away ).
[ Rome and the European Union - M de Semlyen ].
[ Biblical Unity or Conformity to Rome? M de Semlyen ].
[ The number of man 6-6-6 ].
The work of Scofield . and Darby . is beyond this posting. But their work . is sometimes presented as controversial beause of their success. and their [ orthodoxy].. (In other words, they lined up with the overwhelming majority of the historic doctrines of Christianity. Many still do not know this, simply bcause they have not read their works.)
For those who have an interest in the Geneva Bile or the King James,
The historic KJV (1611) version in English can be found [ here] . ; . A very good dictionary for the study of the English language is the work of Webster, dicionario [[ Volume 1 ]] . ; [[ Volume 2 ]] . ; .
[ Translators of the King James Bible Version of 1611 ].
Geneva Bible - Genewa Biblii - Genf Bibel - Ginebra Biblia –1560
(Geneva Bible (English) ) . ;
The New Testament in Koine Greek, Modern Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Central Asia, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, Hungarian, Spanish, Pakistan, Sanskrit
Ancient New Testament in [ accurate] Koine Greek – Classic Edition
[ The True and accurate Koine ancient Greek New Testament ].
Modern Greek,
For the version in Modern Greek , here are the links.
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
[[[ # 10]]] . ; [[[ # 11]]] . ; [[[ # 12]]] . ; [[[ # 13]]]. ; [[[ #14]]]. ; [[[ #15]]]. ; [[[#16]]]. ; [[[# 17]]]. ; [[[#18]]]. ; [[[ # 19]]]. ;
[[[ # 20]]] . ; [[[ # 21]]] . ; [[[ # 22]]] . ; [[[ # 23-25]]]. ; [[[ # 26]]]. ; [[[ # 27]]]. ;
Hebrew Hebraic Jewish New Testament - Nouveau Testament Juif Hebreu
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ;
Persian New Testament - Nouveau Testament persan [Perse - Iran] - Farsça Yeni Ahit - Nuevo Testamento persa - Persisch Neuen Testament - Testamento Novo persa
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
Central Asia,
New Testament azerbaijan – Central Asia . Caucasus – Arabic Script - Nouveau Testament Asie Centrale - nieuwe testament Centraal-Azie - Neuen Testament Zentralasien . - Новый Завет в Центральной Азии
[[(( # 1 ))]] (Matthew) ;
[[(( # 2 ))]] (Marc) . ; [[(( # 3 ))]] (Luke) . ; [[(( # 4 ))]] (John) . ; [[(( # 5 ))]] (Acts) . ; [[(( # 6 ))]] (Romans) . ; [[(( # 19 ))]] (hebr) . ; [[(( # 20 ))]] (James) . ; [[(( # 21 ))]] ( I Peter) . ; [[(( # 22 ))]] (II Peter) . ; [[(( # 23 - # 24 - # 25 ))]] (I John, II John, III John) . ; [[(( # 26 ))]] (Jude) . ; [[(( # 27 ))]] (Revelation) . ;
[ Arabic New Testament 1867 Van Dyck Original - COMPLETE EDITION ].
[ Italian New Testament ].
Turkish New Testament -Turk Yeni Ahit - Neuen Testaments in turkischer (news) .v- Nuevo Testamento en turco- Nouveau Testament en turc - Nieuwe Testament in het Turks -
((( # 1 ))) . ; ((( # 2 ))) . ; ((( # 3 ))). ; ((( # 4 ))). ; ((( # 5 ))). ; ((( # 6 ))). ; ((( # 7 ))). ; ((( #8 ))). ; ((( # 9))). ; ((( # 10 ))). ; ((( # 12 ))). ;
[ Prophecy and history Messiah by Edersheim (1885) ].
Hungarian -
For the version in Hungarian, here are the links.
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
[[[ # 10]]] . ; [[[ # 11]]] . ; [[[ # 12]]] . ; [[[ # 13]]]. ; [[[ #14]]]. ; [[[#16]]]. ; [[[# 17]]]. ; [[[#18]]]. ; [[[ # 19]]]. ;
[[[ # 20]]] . ; [[[ # 21]]] . ; [[[ # 22]]] . ; [[[ # 23-25]]]. ; [[[ # 26]]]. ; [[[ # 27]]]. ;
Spanish, Espagnol, Espanol - Cipriano de Valera, Casiodoro de Reina – Actual original Edition
[[[ The 1602 Reina Valera NT version - nuevo (novo) testamento (original text) ]]]. ;
[ Pakistan]. Urdu
Vol 01 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 01 ].; Vol 02 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 02 ].; Vol 03 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 03 ].; Vol 04 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 04 ]. ;
[ English and Mandarin Chinese ].
[ New Testament, in plain Wenli (1898) [Litterary mandarin Chinese] Schereschewsky].
[ plain Wenli (1898) [Litterary mandarin Chinese].
[ New Testament – Chinese Cantonese- English and Canton colloquial (1908) ].
HINDUstanni / Hindi
[ The New Testament in the Hindustani language (1842)].
For the version in Sanscrit,
There are 4 Volumes in this edition. Here are the links.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 1.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 2.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 3.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 4.
The Old Testament in Hebrew - Hebreu
El Salterio; (1880)
(El Salterio (Psalms - Spanish and Hebrew) ) . ;
The Old Testament in Spanish
[ La Biblia- Que Es Los Sacros Libros Del Vieio ].
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 01) ].
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 02) ].
Modern Greek Old Testament
[[[ # 1 - Genesis ]]] . ; [[[ # 2 - Exodus]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7-8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
[[[ # 10 ]]] . ; [[[ # 11 ]]] . ; [[[ # 12]]] . ; [[[ # 13 ]]]. ; [[[ # 14]]]. ; [[[ # 15-17]]]. ; [[[#18]]]. ; [[[ # 19 - Psalms ]]]. ;
[[[ # 20 - Proverbs ]]] . ; [[[ # 21-22 ]]] . ; [[[ # 23 ]]]. ; [[[ # 24-25 Jeremiah ]]]. ; [[[# 26-27 Ezekiel Daniel ]]]. ; [[[# 28-39 (Hosea Joel Amos...) ]]].
Version 01
[ 1875 Chinese Mandarin Easy Wenli [Chinois ] Old Testament of Schereschewsky ].
Version 02
Old Testament (and new) in Chinese
Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments - Chinese literary language [1902] Schereschewsky
[ Old and New Testaments - Chinese literary language [1902] Schereschewsky ].
The Old Testament in Hebrew Manuscript, classic edition of 1524-25 [ben chayyim] of Printed by Daniel Bomberg
Available here The Second Rabbinic Bible - ben Hayyim ibn Adonijah
Vol 01, [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 01 ].
Vol 02, [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 02 ].
Vol 03, [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 03 ].
Vol 04 [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 04 ].
Which Hebrew Manuscripts are best, better known as the classic by C.D. Ginsburg in 2 Volumes:
Introduction to the Masoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible 01
Books by Ginsburg (who also translated the Hebrew New Testament) :
( Introduction to the Massoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible - Vol # 1 ) . ; ( Vol # 2 ) . ;
For additional information on Jesus being the Messiah, written by Alfred Edersheim (Oxford), see The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
[[ Edersheim - Vol 01 ]]. ; [[ Edersheim - Vol 02 ]]. ;
[ Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah by Edersheim (1885)]. ; ( The Temple - its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ by Edersheim ) . ; [ History of the Jewish nation - after the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus by Edersheim ]. ; [ The old paths, or The Talmud tested by Scripture ].[ HEBREW EDITION of The old paths, or The Talmud tested by Scripture ---- Netivot olam = Di Ali shegin (1876) ].
For other books (archeology – forensics – evidence) concerning the Tabernacle of the Children of Israel under Moses, or for
information about the Second Temple, see the work of Caldecott
[ The Tabernacle; its history and structure (1904) ]. ; [ The second temple in Jerusalem - history and its structure ]. ; [[[ Pentateuch - Historic accuracy of ]]]. ;
The Lost 10 Tribes
This specific mention is not for those who want to believe conclusions WITHOUT evidence, or for those who simply want to believe that “ they ” are the lost tribes. The following accounts below [eyewitness acounts by scholars ] would be for those who are actually seeking truth, accuracy, and historic evidence, and cmparing that with a detailed study of scripture. These are eyewitness accounts about those who actually found the Lost tribes and spoke to them. These books should all be read together, if possible, as the contents each tell of different events.
[ The remnant found, or, The place of Israel's hiding discovered ... (1841)].
[ Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians By Thomas Laurie].
[ Missionary Researches in Armenia- Including a Journey Through Asia Minor - 1834].
[ The Nestorians - or, The lost tribes: containing evidence of their identity(1841)].
[ An appeal on behalf of the Jews scattered in India, Persia, and Arabia (1840)].
[ Ethiopia in exile- Jamaica revisited].
[ The history of the ten lost tribes; Anglo-Israelism examined (1915)].
Jewish Populations in Africa [offsite] – who are the lemba ?
[ The Story of the Lemba People - Rudo Mathivha - ].
[ the lemba – wiki ].
[ The Lemba, a black southern African tribe- Jewish ancestry- PBS Nova].
Sound & Solid Commentaries on the Old Testament: Ebenezer Henderson
[ Commentary - The book of the prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations - Henderson].
[ Commentary - The book of the prophet Isaiah - Henderson].
[ Commentary - book of the prophet Ezekiel - translated from the original Hebrew- Henderson].
[ Commentary - The book of the twelve Minor prophets - translated from the original Hebrew- Henderson].
[ Memoir of the Rev E Henderson including his labours in Denmark, Iceland, Russia, etc].
Michael DeSemlyen
[ TheRoots Of Apostasy By M DeSemlyen].
[ Jesus is coming = What is the Rapture ? ( Will millions of people be Snatched away) ].
[ What do the Prophets Say ? Prophecy and the Old Testament].
ECF (Early Church Fathers) on the Trinity
[ Testimonies (evidence) of the Early Church Fathers (ECF) Anti Nicene Fathers - to the Holy Trinity ].
ECF (Early Church Fathers) on the deity of Jesus
[ Testimonies (evidence) of the Early Church Fathers (ECF) Anti Nicene Fathers - to the True Divinity of Christ].
[ Truth and accuracy of Old Testament and New Testament scripture records – Archeology - Oxford].
[[[ Issues in N.T. O.T. Canonization - Historic ]]] . ;
[ Real Salvation byTorrey ].
[ How to Study the Bible by R A Torrey ].
[ problems with the Sacred Name movement].
[ the British and Foreign Bible Society relative to the Apocrypha].
[ The Bible of the Reformation - its translators and their work].
[ Lex, rex].
[ The causes of the corruption of the traditional text of the Holy Gospels].
[ The last twelve verses of the Gospel according to S. Mark vindicated].
[ The disestablishment of religion in Oxford, the betrayal of a sacred trust].
[ The first chapter of Genesis : a reply and a postscript].
[ A guide to the textual criticism of the New Testament (Burgon-Miller) ].
[ The canon [TRUE BOOKS] of the Old and New Testaments determined; or The Bible complete without the Apocrypha and unwritten traditions].
[ An historical account, and defence, of the canon of the New Testament. In answer to Amyntor (1700)
[ The Canon of the New Testament vindicated in answer to the objections of J.T. in his Amyntor].
[ A vindication of 1 John, 5. 7 from the objections of M. Griesbach and his false version].
History of the Karaite [non-talmudic orthodox ] Jews (1870)
As the Karaites affirm: Nothing with them is authoritative which is not Divine. God only is to them the fountain of authority. They profess a willingness to submit to Him, and to submit at any cost. This is the normal principle of Karaism. They state that they pay unbounded reverence to the Written Law of God, contained in the Old Testament. They utterly reject what is called the Oral Law, and is now contained in the Talmud. This is an interesting contrast to what passes for traditional Orthodox Judaism, which is very different from simply following the Old testament. This is not what orthodox Judaism is these days.
Today it has degenerated mostly into occult talmudic Judaism with the constant study of the Talmudic occultism [ which seems to have a rather close resemblance to much material found in The Two Babylons by Hislop] . In the same way that those in Islam should compare the characteristics of Allah with those of Almighty God, those who are Othodox talmudic occultic Rabbis should be willing to compare their worship of their “First Cause” with the God of the Old Testament.
[ History of the Karaite Jews (1870)].
By Edersheim (Oxford):
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 01) ].
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 02) ].
There are many resources. here. If you are deceived or led astray, it is only your fault and you are the one to blame. We are each responsiblefor. our own spiritual path, and the information and learning we chose to epose ourselves to, or deny or ignore or postpone. Like everything else, your spiritual connection and walk with God is what You make of it. The Bible is filled with information. [ not disclosed or talked about in Churches]..You have to read the New Testament for yourself. [ the Gospel of John is a good place to start, and remember to use a good, histori and accurate version. It is not what you “theoretically” want to do, or wish to do, that counts. If you are deceived spiritually, what difference will it make, that you “were going to study” or you were “ going to learn” ? Will you be... any less deceived, because you were going to [in the future] actually invest the time in yourself to learn ???
Take the time and learn n-o-w, while you can.
Do you remember the words of scripture :
II Timothy 2: 15 Study [ STUDY !!! ] to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly [RIGHTLY] dividing the word of truth.
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
II Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Its what you actually [ ACTUALLY !!! ] do, what you actually[ ACTUALLY !!! ] study. Stop waiting for others to help you, and start helping yourself. The day will soon come when none of this may be around, and then all you will have is what you know, in your head, in your own mind.
Pray for yourself that you will wake up from your coma, that you would have a love of God, a love of His true and authentic Word (Bible), a deep desire to study the Word, and that God would show you how to have the spiritual and personal inner strength for these times. Pray that you would not waste your time, but that you would value and do what God wants you to do and value., and that HE would help you find the answers you are looking for.
What people MUST believe about God, in order to find Him and why Faith in God is neccessary ------- Hebrews 11: 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
To restate the obvious:
YOU = “ he that cometh to God “
1) that he is, [ That God exists] , and
2) that he is a rewarder of them that diligently [ DILIGENTLY !!! ] seek him.
Luke 21: 8
8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
II Thess 2
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness ... because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
( what did they receive not ? This means that there is something that certain ones chose not to receive. What is that ?? )
Example: what they often don’t talk about in church:
Titus 2: 1
2:1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.
7 In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
8 Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.
9 Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;
10 Not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
Obviously, the links will only take you to the pages for the Free PDF. What you download is your choice.
For the issues of Today’s church, a few works about the Modern dangers of some of the excesses found in many the Charismatic or other groups may inform you about the origins, the roots, the theology and the implications of some of these new streams of spirituality, such as:
[ Anointing - or Apostasy ? The Latter Rain Legacy by Charles Graves].
[ Latter Rain (and other Branham inspired charismatic ) movement by Jewel van der Merwe) ].
[ A Planned Deception, the staging of a New Age Messiah) ].
(or see the Historic perspetive on who is the real Messiah)
[ Who is the Messiah proved from the Ancient Scriptures) ].
[ The Affiliation of New Evangelicals with Apostasy].
[ What is Apostasy by M de Semlyen].
[ A LITTLE HISTORY - [ Truth about ] The Shepherding Movement].
[ Problems with the Sacred Name movement ].
(( Please note that NOT ALL Charismatic or Pentecostal groups or churches are bad or teach errant doctrine. [some change or improve 4 the better].. However it is important to check on the details of where you worship, fellowship and learn, so that you can be sure that you are receiving sound doctrine (Titus 1:9 and not those in Tim 4: 3-4). ))
For the history of Biblical teachings, (also known as Doctrine), some of the works of George Stanley Faber (and others) may be of encouragement.
[ The difficulties of infidelity (1835) – GSF- George Stanley Faber ].
[ peculiarities of the Latin church evinced to be untenable – GSF ].
[ A practical treatise on the ordinary operations of the Holy Spirit (1814) – GSF ].
[ The new life in Christ Jesus ].
For those interested in the deeper background of the Old Testament scripture [ keep in mind that 40% to 60% of the New Testament is the Old Testament requoted]. Everything done in the New Testament is still being done in relation to the Old Testament. ( Note: Those who know almost nothing about the Old Testament section of the Bible would do well to start reading and re-reading both in the book of Psalms and the book of Proverbs).
[ A Treatise On The Origin Of Expiatory Sacrifice (1827) – GSF].
[ The Temple, its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ].
[ The hope of Israel [microform] what is it (MAURO)].
The issue of Bible versions still remains popular and a subject for study:
[ The English Revisers' [Wescott - Hort] Greek Text - Shown to be Unauthorized, Except by false [errant] Egyptian Copies Discarded].
[ The traditional text of the Holy Gospels vindicated and established].
[ The books of the Old and New Testaments proved to be true, accurate and canonical, and their verbal inspiration maintained].
[ The evidence and authority of divine revelation – 01 – Haldane ].
[ The evidence and authority of divine revelation - 02 – Haldane].
[ A Plea for the [Inspiration and] Canon of Scripture ( Bible) by the Bible Society].
[ Secret History of the Oxford Movement [Evangelicals in England induced to defect to Rome] [i.e. Westcott & Hort]].
[ Pope Benedict's Denunciation ].
[ Evangelicals Embark to Papal Rome].
[ The revision revised - Westcott and Hort's new textual theory].
[ Divine inspiration; or, The supernatural influence exerted in the communication of divine truth-HENDERSON].
[ The question discussed, Shall the whole word of God be given to the heathen -HENDERSON].
[ Hidden history of the Greek New Testament].
[ The Authorised Bible and Modern Versions – by M De Semlyen ].
[ History of the Oxford Movement toward Rome – by Daubigne, Merle D'Aubigne].
[ Rome's First Ecumenical Saint (2010)].
[ Pope and Political Activities Worldwide].
[ Pope Benedict XVI at Lourdes].
History of Christianity in Europe and its impact on the World
In English– by Daubigne, Merle D'Aubigne
01;[ Vol 01].; 02; [ Vol 02].; 03; [ Vol 03].04; [ Vol 04].
05; [ Vol 05].; 06; [ Vol 06]. 07; [ Vol 07].08; [ Vol 08].
[ Which Version by Philip Mauro ].
[ The World and its God ].
[ The number of man, the climax of civilization].
[ The Authorised Bible and Modern Versions by M De Semlyen].
[ How the [false] higher criticism [almost] wrecked a Christian-and how he came back ].
[ Luther - Watchwords for the warfare of life ].
[ Luther and Tyndale – The untold Story ].
[ Luther - The ninety-five theses and the 3 primary works].
--- concerning the Apocrypha --- (see also the section under versions, since the issue of versions [ which version of the OT – NT to use] also involves the issue of which books belong in the Bible [called Canonization]. Many books on versions therefore also deal with the issue of which books belong in the Bible, or which ones do not ).
The issues of the printing of the Apocrypha has been somewhat addressed in the following works:
For those interested in the issues concerning the Apocrypha (declared even by Jerome to not be part of scripture), the following books may give you some information and historic information:
[ Vindications (about BFBS) of the Proceedings of the Bible Society Concerning the Apocrypha].
[ Revealed: the conduct of the directors of the British and Foreign Bible Society [ BFBS ] concerning the Apocrypha].
[ A Plea for the [Inspiration and] Canon of Scripture].
[ Statement of the Bible Society concerning the Apocrypha].
Other works about Church History may be interesting:
[ Evidence of Holy Scripture and the Eary Church, Against the Invocation of Saints, Angels, and Mary].
For those interested in Current Events (nwo) , the work of Attorney C Cumbey may be of interest
[ Hidden Dangers [to your body and actual soul] of the New Age movement].
(Note: No, if you ignore the problem, it still will not go away ).
[ Rome and the European Union - M de Semlyen ].
[ Biblical Unity or Conformity to Rome? M de Semlyen ].
[ The number of man 6-6-6 ].
The work of Scofield . and Darby . is beyond this posting. But their work . is sometimes presented as controversial beause of their success. and their [ orthodoxy].. (In other words, they lined up with the overwhelming majority of the historic doctrines of Christianity. Many still do not know this, simply bcause they have not read their works.)
For those who have an interest in the Geneva Bile or the King James,
The historic KJV (1611) version in English can be found [ here] . ; . A very good dictionary for the study of the English language is the work of Webster, dicionario [[ Volume 1 ]] . ; [[ Volume 2 ]] . ; .
[ Translators of the King James Bible Version of 1611 ].
Geneva Bible - Genewa Biblii - Genf Bibel - Ginebra Biblia –1560
(Geneva Bible (English) ) . ;
The New Testament in Koine Greek, Modern Greek, Hebrew, Persian, Central Asia, Arabic, Italian, Turkish, Hungarian, Spanish, Pakistan, Sanskrit
Ancient New Testament in [ accurate] Koine Greek – Classic Edition
[ The True and accurate Koine ancient Greek New Testament ].
Modern Greek,
For the version in Modern Greek , here are the links.
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
[[[ # 10]]] . ; [[[ # 11]]] . ; [[[ # 12]]] . ; [[[ # 13]]]. ; [[[ #14]]]. ; [[[ #15]]]. ; [[[#16]]]. ; [[[# 17]]]. ; [[[#18]]]. ; [[[ # 19]]]. ;
[[[ # 20]]] . ; [[[ # 21]]] . ; [[[ # 22]]] . ; [[[ # 23-25]]]. ; [[[ # 26]]]. ; [[[ # 27]]]. ;
Hebrew Hebraic Jewish New Testament - Nouveau Testament Juif Hebreu
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ;
Persian New Testament - Nouveau Testament persan [Perse - Iran] - Farsça Yeni Ahit - Nuevo Testamento persa - Persisch Neuen Testament - Testamento Novo persa
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
Central Asia,
New Testament azerbaijan – Central Asia . Caucasus – Arabic Script - Nouveau Testament Asie Centrale - nieuwe testament Centraal-Azie - Neuen Testament Zentralasien . - Новый Завет в Центральной Азии
[[(( # 1 ))]] (Matthew) ;
[[(( # 2 ))]] (Marc) . ; [[(( # 3 ))]] (Luke) . ; [[(( # 4 ))]] (John) . ; [[(( # 5 ))]] (Acts) . ; [[(( # 6 ))]] (Romans) . ; [[(( # 19 ))]] (hebr) . ; [[(( # 20 ))]] (James) . ; [[(( # 21 ))]] ( I Peter) . ; [[(( # 22 ))]] (II Peter) . ; [[(( # 23 - # 24 - # 25 ))]] (I John, II John, III John) . ; [[(( # 26 ))]] (Jude) . ; [[(( # 27 ))]] (Revelation) . ;
[ Arabic New Testament 1867 Van Dyck Original - COMPLETE EDITION ].
[ Italian New Testament ].
Turkish New Testament -Turk Yeni Ahit - Neuen Testaments in turkischer (news) .v- Nuevo Testamento en turco- Nouveau Testament en turc - Nieuwe Testament in het Turks -
((( # 1 ))) . ; ((( # 2 ))) . ; ((( # 3 ))). ; ((( # 4 ))). ; ((( # 5 ))). ; ((( # 6 ))). ; ((( # 7 ))). ; ((( #8 ))). ; ((( # 9))). ; ((( # 10 ))). ; ((( # 12 ))). ;
[ Prophecy and history Messiah by Edersheim (1885) ].
Hungarian -
For the version in Hungarian, here are the links.
[[[ # 1 ]]] . ; [[[ # 2]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7]]]. ; [[[#8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
[[[ # 10]]] . ; [[[ # 11]]] . ; [[[ # 12]]] . ; [[[ # 13]]]. ; [[[ #14]]]. ; [[[#16]]]. ; [[[# 17]]]. ; [[[#18]]]. ; [[[ # 19]]]. ;
[[[ # 20]]] . ; [[[ # 21]]] . ; [[[ # 22]]] . ; [[[ # 23-25]]]. ; [[[ # 26]]]. ; [[[ # 27]]]. ;
Spanish, Espagnol, Espanol - Cipriano de Valera, Casiodoro de Reina – Actual original Edition
[[[ The 1602 Reina Valera NT version - nuevo (novo) testamento (original text) ]]]. ;
[ Pakistan]. Urdu
Vol 01 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 01 ].; Vol 02 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 02 ].; Vol 03 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 03 ].; Vol 04 [ Pakistan – India - Urdu - Vol 04 ]. ;
[ English and Mandarin Chinese ].
[ New Testament, in plain Wenli (1898) [Litterary mandarin Chinese] Schereschewsky].
[ plain Wenli (1898) [Litterary mandarin Chinese].
[ New Testament – Chinese Cantonese- English and Canton colloquial (1908) ].
HINDUstanni / Hindi
[ The New Testament in the Hindustani language (1842)].
For the version in Sanscrit,
There are 4 Volumes in this edition. Here are the links.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 1.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 2.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 3.
The Holy bible in the Sanscrit language (1848) Vol 4.
The Old Testament in Hebrew - Hebreu
El Salterio; (1880)
(El Salterio (Psalms - Spanish and Hebrew) ) . ;
The Old Testament in Spanish
[ La Biblia- Que Es Los Sacros Libros Del Vieio ].
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 01) ].
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 02) ].
Modern Greek Old Testament
[[[ # 1 - Genesis ]]] . ; [[[ # 2 - Exodus]]] . ; [[[ # 3 ]]]. ; [[[ # 4]]]. ; [[[ # 5]]]. ; [[[# 6]]]. ; [[[# 7-8]]]. ; [[[ # 9]]]. ;
[[[ # 10 ]]] . ; [[[ # 11 ]]] . ; [[[ # 12]]] . ; [[[ # 13 ]]]. ; [[[ # 14]]]. ; [[[ # 15-17]]]. ; [[[#18]]]. ; [[[ # 19 - Psalms ]]]. ;
[[[ # 20 - Proverbs ]]] . ; [[[ # 21-22 ]]] . ; [[[ # 23 ]]]. ; [[[ # 24-25 Jeremiah ]]]. ; [[[# 26-27 Ezekiel Daniel ]]]. ; [[[# 28-39 (Hosea Joel Amos...) ]]].
Version 01
[ 1875 Chinese Mandarin Easy Wenli [Chinois ] Old Testament of Schereschewsky ].
Version 02
Old Testament (and new) in Chinese
Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments - Chinese literary language [1902] Schereschewsky
[ Old and New Testaments - Chinese literary language [1902] Schereschewsky ].
The Old Testament in Hebrew Manuscript, classic edition of 1524-25 [ben chayyim] of Printed by Daniel Bomberg
Available here The Second Rabbinic Bible - ben Hayyim ibn Adonijah
Vol 01, [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 01 ].
Vol 02, [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 02 ].
Vol 03, [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 03 ].
Vol 04 [ The 1524-25 Second Rabbinic Bible – Vol 04 ].
Which Hebrew Manuscripts are best, better known as the classic by C.D. Ginsburg in 2 Volumes:
Introduction to the Masoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible 01
Books by Ginsburg (who also translated the Hebrew New Testament) :
( Introduction to the Massoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible - Vol # 1 ) . ; ( Vol # 2 ) . ;
For additional information on Jesus being the Messiah, written by Alfred Edersheim (Oxford), see The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah
[[ Edersheim - Vol 01 ]]. ; [[ Edersheim - Vol 02 ]]. ;
[ Prophecy and history in relation to the Messiah by Edersheim (1885)]. ; ( The Temple - its ministry and services as they were at the time of Jesus Christ by Edersheim ) . ; [ History of the Jewish nation - after the destruction of Jerusalem under Titus by Edersheim ]. ; [ The old paths, or The Talmud tested by Scripture ].[ HEBREW EDITION of The old paths, or The Talmud tested by Scripture ---- Netivot olam = Di Ali shegin (1876) ].
For other books (archeology – forensics – evidence) concerning the Tabernacle of the Children of Israel under Moses, or for
information about the Second Temple, see the work of Caldecott
[ The Tabernacle; its history and structure (1904) ]. ; [ The second temple in Jerusalem - history and its structure ]. ; [[[ Pentateuch - Historic accuracy of ]]]. ;
The Lost 10 Tribes
This specific mention is not for those who want to believe conclusions WITHOUT evidence, or for those who simply want to believe that “ they ” are the lost tribes. The following accounts below [eyewitness acounts by scholars ] would be for those who are actually seeking truth, accuracy, and historic evidence, and cmparing that with a detailed study of scripture. These are eyewitness accounts about those who actually found the Lost tribes and spoke to them. These books should all be read together, if possible, as the contents each tell of different events.
[ The remnant found, or, The place of Israel's hiding discovered ... (1841)].
[ Dr. Grant and the Mountain Nestorians By Thomas Laurie].
[ Missionary Researches in Armenia- Including a Journey Through Asia Minor - 1834].
[ The Nestorians - or, The lost tribes: containing evidence of their identity(1841)].
[ An appeal on behalf of the Jews scattered in India, Persia, and Arabia (1840)].
[ Ethiopia in exile- Jamaica revisited].
[ The history of the ten lost tribes; Anglo-Israelism examined (1915)].
Jewish Populations in Africa [offsite] – who are the lemba ?
[ The Story of the Lemba People - Rudo Mathivha - ].
[ the lemba – wiki ].
[ The Lemba, a black southern African tribe- Jewish ancestry- PBS Nova].
Sound & Solid Commentaries on the Old Testament: Ebenezer Henderson
[ Commentary - The book of the prophet Jeremiah and that of the Lamentations - Henderson].
[ Commentary - The book of the prophet Isaiah - Henderson].
[ Commentary - book of the prophet Ezekiel - translated from the original Hebrew- Henderson].
[ Commentary - The book of the twelve Minor prophets - translated from the original Hebrew- Henderson].
[ Memoir of the Rev E Henderson including his labours in Denmark, Iceland, Russia, etc].
Michael DeSemlyen
[ TheRoots Of Apostasy By M DeSemlyen].
[ Jesus is coming = What is the Rapture ? ( Will millions of people be Snatched away) ].
[ What do the Prophets Say ? Prophecy and the Old Testament].
ECF (Early Church Fathers) on the Trinity
[ Testimonies (evidence) of the Early Church Fathers (ECF) Anti Nicene Fathers - to the Holy Trinity ].
ECF (Early Church Fathers) on the deity of Jesus
[ Testimonies (evidence) of the Early Church Fathers (ECF) Anti Nicene Fathers - to the True Divinity of Christ].
[ Truth and accuracy of Old Testament and New Testament scripture records – Archeology - Oxford].
[[[ Issues in N.T. O.T. Canonization - Historic ]]] . ;
[ Real Salvation byTorrey ].
[ How to Study the Bible by R A Torrey ].
[ problems with the Sacred Name movement].
[ the British and Foreign Bible Society relative to the Apocrypha].
[ The Bible of the Reformation - its translators and their work].
[ Lex, rex].
[ The causes of the corruption of the traditional text of the Holy Gospels].
[ The last twelve verses of the Gospel according to S. Mark vindicated].
[ The disestablishment of religion in Oxford, the betrayal of a sacred trust].
[ The first chapter of Genesis : a reply and a postscript].
[ A guide to the textual criticism of the New Testament (Burgon-Miller) ].
[ The canon [TRUE BOOKS] of the Old and New Testaments determined; or The Bible complete without the Apocrypha and unwritten traditions].
[ An historical account, and defence, of the canon of the New Testament. In answer to Amyntor (1700)
[ The Canon of the New Testament vindicated in answer to the objections of J.T. in his Amyntor].
[ A vindication of 1 John, 5. 7 from the objections of M. Griesbach and his false version].
History of the Karaite [non-talmudic orthodox ] Jews (1870)
As the Karaites affirm: Nothing with them is authoritative which is not Divine. God only is to them the fountain of authority. They profess a willingness to submit to Him, and to submit at any cost. This is the normal principle of Karaism. They state that they pay unbounded reverence to the Written Law of God, contained in the Old Testament. They utterly reject what is called the Oral Law, and is now contained in the Talmud. This is an interesting contrast to what passes for traditional Orthodox Judaism, which is very different from simply following the Old testament. This is not what orthodox Judaism is these days.
Today it has degenerated mostly into occult talmudic Judaism with the constant study of the Talmudic occultism [ which seems to have a rather close resemblance to much material found in The Two Babylons by Hislop] . In the same way that those in Islam should compare the characteristics of Allah with those of Almighty God, those who are Othodox talmudic occultic Rabbis should be willing to compare their worship of their “First Cause” with the God of the Old Testament.
[ History of the Karaite Jews (1870)].
By Edersheim (Oxford):
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 01) ].
[ The life and times of Jesus the Messiah (1886) 02) ].
There are many resources. here. If you are deceived or led astray, it is only your fault and you are the one to blame. We are each responsiblefor. our own spiritual path, and the information and learning we chose to epose ourselves to, or deny or ignore or postpone. Like everything else, your spiritual connection and walk with God is what You make of it. The Bible is filled with information. [ not disclosed or talked about in Churches]..You have to read the New Testament for yourself. [ the Gospel of John is a good place to start, and remember to use a good, histori and accurate version. It is not what you “theoretically” want to do, or wish to do, that counts. If you are deceived spiritually, what difference will it make, that you “were going to study” or you were “ going to learn” ? Will you be... any less deceived, because you were going to [in the future] actually invest the time in yourself to learn ???
Take the time and learn n-o-w, while you can.
Do you remember the words of scripture :
II Timothy 2: 15 Study [ STUDY !!! ] to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly [RIGHTLY] dividing the word of truth.
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.
II Timothy 2:19 Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
20 But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.
21 If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.
22 Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
Its what you actually [ ACTUALLY !!! ] do, what you actually[ ACTUALLY !!! ] study. Stop waiting for others to help you, and start helping yourself. The day will soon come when none of this may be around, and then all you will have is what you know, in your head, in your own mind.
Pray for yourself that you will wake up from your coma, that you would have a love of God, a love of His true and authentic Word (Bible), a deep desire to study the Word, and that God would show you how to have the spiritual and personal inner strength for these times. Pray that you would not waste your time, but that you would value and do what God wants you to do and value., and that HE would help you find the answers you are looking for.
What people MUST believe about God, in order to find Him and why Faith in God is neccessary ------- Hebrews 11: 6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
To restate the obvious:
YOU = “ he that cometh to God “
1) that he is, [ That God exists] , and
2) that he is a rewarder of them that diligently [ DILIGENTLY !!! ] seek him.
Luke 21: 8
8 And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.
II Thess 2
10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness ... because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
( what did they receive not ? This means that there is something that certain ones chose not to receive. What is that ?? )
Example: what they often don’t talk about in church:
Titus 2: 1
2:1 But speak thou the things which become sound doctrine:
2 That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, in charity, in patience.
3 The aged women likewise, that they be in behaviour as becometh holiness, not false accusers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things;
4 That they may teach the young women to be sober, to love their husbands, to love their children,
5 To be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God be not blasphemed.
6 Young men likewise exhort to be sober minded.
7 In all things showing thyself a pattern of good works: in doctrine showing uncorruptness, gravity, sincerity,
8 Sound speech, that cannot be condemned; that he that is of the contrary part may be ashamed, having no evil thing to say of you.
9 Exhort servants to be obedient unto their own masters, and to please them well in all things; not answering again;
10 Not purloining, but showing all good fidelity; that they may adorn the doctrine of God our Saviour in all things.
11 For the grace of God that bringeth salvation hath appeared to all men,
12 Teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly, in this present world;
13 Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ;
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